Dear practitioners and friends of Zen Center Athens.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts a Merry Christmas and a New Year with Health, Happiness and Creativity.

By staying connected to the present, we stay connected to our potential. The practice of zazen is the way to develop and nurture the connection with the true, natural Self, which manifests and is experienced only in the present moment.

We therefore urge you to continue your practice during the holidays, and keep the inner flame lit.

Zazen will continue until Thursday 23/12 and will start again on Monday 3/1. On Thursday 6/1 the Center will remain closed due to the Epiphany holiday.

“Buddhas and ancestors
realize the entire sky and the great earth.
Manifesting the great body,
in the sky, there is no inside or outside.
Manifesting the dharma body,
on earth, there is not an inch of ground”

~ Dogen, Essay on Teaching and Conferring the Precepts 

With respect,

Zen Center Athens