Yoga Nidra and Inner Silence Meditation

Every Tuesday and Thursday, 17:15 – 18:15

Starting November 2

Yoga Nidra, or “yogic sleep,” is a deeply relaxing and transformative practice derived from the ancient yoga teachings. It is a guided meditation technique that induces a state of conscious relaxation, promoting physical, mental and emotional well-being. In Yoga Nidra, the practitioner remains in a state between wakefulness and sleep, where deep healing and self-awareness can occur.


Yoga Nidra has its roots in the yogic tradition and was systematized and taught by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. It is based on the principles of pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), relaxation and meditation.

The practice:

Yoga Nidra is a guided practice. During the practice, you lie down in a comfortable and relaxed position, in savasana (corpse pose), with your eyes closed. The facilitator then guides you through a systematic process of relaxation and self-awareness.

One of the important advantages of Yoga Nidra is that it is accessible to almost everyone, regardless of physical condition or experience. All you need is a quiet space, and comfortable clothing.

Yoga Nidra is a powerful practice that allows you to experience deep relaxation and tap into the healing potential of your own mind. Regular practice can lead to improved physical and mental health, reduced stress, and a deeper connection to your inner self. It is a valuable addition to a holistic approach to wellness and personal development.

Antar Mouna, also known as “Inner Silence” is a meditation technique developed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. Antar Mouna is taught as a core practice for cultivating mental clarity, self-awareness and inner peace and is often practiced as a foundation for other advanced meditation techniques and as a means of developing mindfulness, self-awareness and the ability to observe the mind without attachment.

Over time, regular practice of Antar Mouna can lead to greater mental clarity, emotional stability and inner peace.