ZEN DAY 17.07.2022

Dear Zen Center Athens Sangha,
We inform you that the next Zen Day will take place on Sunday, 17th of July, from 10:00 to 18:00. The program includes six zazen periods with Kinhin (meditative walking) in between, and lunchtime.
During the Zen Days of July and August, there will be no Dharma Talks with Koten Roshi. Instead, in this Zen Day we will read chapters 6.8, 6.9 & 6.10 from the book Shobogenzo – zuimonki which you can download here.
Regarding your participation
Please, arrive at the Zen Center strictly by 10:10. After zazen starts, and once the door to Zendo is closed, you will not be able to enter. The lunch break takes place at the Center in silence. We can organize the lunch for you or you can bring your own food. Please inform us promptly of both your participation and meal by emailing us at: [email protected]
The contribution for the meal is 5€.
* Suggested contribution for the Zen Day: 10 €
With Respect
Zen Center Athens